Friday, September 25, 2009

3 oh 3

i was tagged by reigina, so i do this instead of doing nothing.hihi =)

3 things you addicted to :
chocolate, chocolate milk, online. =P

3 things you interested to :
photography, quotes, eating. =P

3 things you found hot :
Leeminho *my last crush actor*, sam worthington *he's also so damn HOT!*, wang leehom *as always*

3 wildest dream :
jambak bulu dadanya ridho rhoma, cabut jenggotnya ahmad dhani, punch paris hilton's face.

3 obsession :
travelling around the world, punya anak spasang, punya closet room d dlm kamar!

3 things you treasure the most :
friends, family, my camera. =)

3 types of smell you love :
bau kamar *i mean kalo abis sharian tidur d kamar, baunya ada yg khas gt*, bau bayi *campuran minyak telon & bedak bayi* , baunya smooked-beef *sluurp*

3 types of smell you hate :
bau sampah *g beneran bisa muntah*, bau rumah sakit , bau rokok.

3 things you hate :
animals, beres2 rumah, keringetan.

3 bad habits :
kalo abis makan suka gigitin sendok ato sumpit ato sedotan, kalo baca buku lamaaaaaa bgt *entah krna otak g yg mencernanya lama ato emang speed mata g kurang*, srg gatw hp esia g kmana.hehe

3 things you love to wear :
shorts, tees, sendal jepit.

3 childhood toys :
lompat tali, masak2an, lego!

3 favorite author :
dan brown *i read all of his books*, penulis miiko *lupa namanya*, dee lestari

3 favorite director :
gatw g. ga ngerti gni2an.hehe

3 reason you do this thing :
have nothing to do, d tag sama rei, g emang geje.

3 person you would to tag to do this :
ci noni


Crissy said...

wow aku di tag baiklah akan kulakukannn :)

sara said...

good job.huahahaha