since i'd promised to post my last weekend-trip, so here it is. enjoy! =)
Thursday night, 27 May 2010.
as my mom didn't allow me to stay overnight at take's house, so i stayed overnight at odrod's house. i came at about 9 o'clock then we spent the rest of the night for talking and sharing (read : curhat) and took some rest.
Friday, 28 May 2010.
we woke up at about 3.15 am. and the boys said they were on their way to pick us up. we're such shocked. finally, i didn't take a shower that morning.hahahaha.
4 am - we're already on our way to Bandung. yippie! there were, me, sut, odrod, take, ko owen, and ruben.
6.30 am - we were get there. wohoo! since we couldn't find anything else open at this morning, we went to mie sumpit. it's open 24 hours though. it's located in dago plaza.hehe. i ordered sweet yamin, but it was only one available at that time, so i and gembul ordered bubur jalaprang.
but the other ordered 1 noodle and kwetiaw. they're look pretty yummy at all.
after finished our breakfast, we went to mie rica. yes it's MIE rica. don't be that shock lah.hahaha. mie rica was very very hot. literally. me and sut ate together (but i just ate a bit, then saya biarkan dia menghabiskan smuanya. saya ga kuat. pedes pol.)hahaha. and ko owen ordered mie casao. it's like casiu noodle.
where we were going then? Jl. riau.hahaha
ko owen really needed to go to toilet, but nothing else open at that time except 2 factory outlets there. so there we're going. while waiting for him,we were just looking around and took pictures of course!hahaha.
then when the SECRET - a factory outlet which also sells food like sausage and es potong- opened already, we just went straight into it and bought some sausage and es potong. the ambiance is so garden.
wait! where is my gembulatos? he was taking picture of us, so there was no him in this picture. i'm so sorry dear.hahaha.
we spent about 1 hour here. ruben took the record of eating more than 5 es potong in half hour!ahahahaha.
kemudian kami beranjak k Roemah Keboen. the place is quiet homey. makanannya byk lah. dr indonesian food sama yg pasta2 gt juga ada.
somebody ordered this zupa2.
and somebody ordered this food. (errr.. i forgot the name.hehe)
dan sebagai tanda cinta saya pada indonesia, inilah yg saya makan saat itu:
dan gembul ate this goulash.
odrod's fams juga dateng nyamper gituuu. jdlah kami makan bersama.hhi
sbnrnya masih byk makanan laennya,tp saya ga foto.hehehe.
trs abis itu,tebaklah saudara2,kmanakah roda ban mobil kami berputar? ke es oyen jawabannya! iya,kami makan lagi. jago kan?hahaha.
it costs 8 thousands rupiahs.
abis itu dgn niat baik,kami pun check in hotel. mmm.. bukan hotel jg se, smacam rumah yg kamarnya d sewain gt. it's located in pasteur. namanya orange homes. ah tp saya lupa foto tempatnya. maap ya.hehe. but it's quiet clean koq.
5pm - we went paskal hypersquare. as usual, i ate lumpia basah,but i also forgot to take picture of it.=p
then we went to gardujati. mau beli bakpau fafa, but so bad, yg isi babi kecap udah abis,pdhl itu enaknya heaven benjetttt!hahaha.
dan tentu saja tidak lupa,kami beli bola2 ubi.hihi.
7pm already. dinner time! -well,sbnrnya ga bs d blg dinner jg since kita emang sharian makan terus,jd ga jelas yg mana yg breakfast,lunch, dan dinner.-
semua mau makan nasi campur. kaki lima gt. nampak enak se, tp saya rasanya ga kepengen makan itu. odrod pesen nasi goreng ikan asin. saya jg ga pengen makan itu. so i ordered ronde warna-warni.hehe. it costs 12thousands rupiahs. and kalo ga salah, nasi campurnya costs 30thousands rupiahs.
this is my ronde warna-warni. so cute, isn't it? err. no,it's not that cute sih.hahaha
abis itu kami pun beranjak. makan apa lagi? kami k the valley.hehehe. tenangg. saya ga byk makan koq. cm makan cheese cake. -mmm.. cuman??- bahahaha.
si gembul pesen goulash lg! saya ga paham ini anak doyan bener ya sama goulash.hahaha.
after spending almost the whole day for eating,eating, and eating, we went back to hotel.
apa yg kami kerjakan kemudian? tidur? tentu tidak. maen monopoli deal.hahaha
seru lo. hihi. tp saking serunya,ampe lupa d foto. yaudalah ya.hehe.
1.30 am - we went to sleep.
Saturday, 29 May 2010.
after had breakfast -lumpianya enak pol,tp sayangnya cm d kasih 1 doank.-
we were ready to food-hunting again!hahaha. we went to mie bakso akung.
i ordered yamin manis with bakso pangsit. pretty yummy! =9
ok,we should be hurry. since ko owen mau kondangan malemnya, jd kita udah harus brgkat gt siang2. tp tentu saja tidak lupa kami k prima rasa dulu.hehehe
dan stlh berbelanja,bginilah kondisi bagasi kami.
and taraaaa! we're ready to back to jakarta!
oiyah,i guess i never show you my boyfie ya!hahaha. here is him.
say hi to sut!hahahah