hi there! after long time no see, i would like to greet you
MERRY CHRISTMAS! well, like almost everybody, i love christmas. and i miss the old way of christmas celebration such as tuker kado.hihi and i do want to meet SANTA CLAUSE!
yeah, i'm a girl who love fairy tales. *even i dont believe it* =D then, how's my life going? yeah not pretty well. i had a tooth surgery last monday. and i was only can eat porridge for 2 days. and then i went to watch avatar by the next day, and u know what? my gum was very painful and it's happen until now. how poor i am. i'm pretty sick of this sickness that it's hard for me to eat. *well, my weight is decreased actually* but it makes me suffering. =( now i almost catch a fever. and the bad news is i still have 3 tooth that must be operated. WOW! and then i should wear braces. oh bye bye my seksih-curvy-body.hahahaha
jakarta, friday, 11 December 2009, 11.28pmhere i am. listening to my favorite songs in the quiet night. i love this atmosphere.=)it's been ages since the last time i got this.hihithinking of simple thing, goes to my dream. pewe pol. even buat bkin tugas skalipun. hehereading these and those in the swinging melody. so comfort for me. =Dyes i am happy today. after my lecturer gave me 2 video today, i'm so blessed. *thx sir =P*maybe someday i will post the videos here and share with y'all. =)mmm. it's 00.00 o'clock already. i have to wake up early tomorrow coz i have a class. =(so bye bye. hope tomorrow i get thiskind of night again. then i promise to share some blesses to y'all.hehe =)
hello, after long time no posting, here i come with an issue about political situation in indonesia.well, tomorrow (09.12.09) is hari anti korupsi sedunia, and 45000 people have registered to join demonstration through many streets in jakarta. dan d perkirakan mungkin bakal ada kerusuhan ky taon 98. so bad.=(jd sebenernya emang masalah politik d indo itu emang lg hip bgt. dan ada bbrp pihak yg malah bilang bahwa presidennya kurang ini itu lah.ya ampun, plis d ah. yg pilih dia kan kita juga. lgan namanya jg manusia, salah dikit ya wajar dnx.apalagi dia kan bebannya berat bgt, dan dia cm manusia biasa ky kita. ya gausa lah d besar2in gt. i dont know why, but i dont like org2 yg seenaknya nyalahin dia saat keadaan jd ga beres. toh bukan maunya dia jg gt lo. dia psti uda berusaha keras supaya smuanya jd kembali normal. tp emang susah dan ribet.lha kita enak kalo ga mau pusing, tgl matiin tv, tinggal tidur. lha dia kan ga bisa ky gt. so, here i am, mau menghimbau teman2 skalian, udalah..gausa nyalah2in org terus..toh kita jg blm tentu bs lbi baik dr dia kan..kita jg ga tw sbnrnya apa yg terjadi kan..jd mdg kita dukung aja. apapun keputusannya, psti uda d pikirin mateng2 koq.goodluck ya pak presiden. =)*ceritanya lg berbobot ocehannya*hihi
Jangan. Jangan tebar pesona aku takut hati merona Jangan. Jangan tuliskan turus aku takut tak kuasa menghapus Jangan. Jangan bisikkan janji aku takut berharap ditepati Jangan. Jangan sembunyikan diri aku takut mataku mencari Jangan. Jangan begini aku takut ku jatuh hati-by cicilia iskandar-*cicil is my high school mate. she wrote this poem in a note in facebook. i think i like it so much, so i told her i want to put her poem in my blog.hihi. it's so sweet, isnt it? =)