Tuesday, July 28, 2009

6 things make me happy. =D

i've been tagged by Selih from laalaadoom. so here it is!There is rules, that is tag and link back to the person tagged you. And tell them 6 things makes you happy, then tag 6 blogger. Let them know they're tagged.

1. Family i share almost all of my life with them. =)

2. friends i like to hef a lot of fun with my friends. =))

3. Money yeahh.. who doesnt love it?haha

4. hobby i mean everything i love to do. like traveling , some 'adventures', photography, making something like what i did today with selih. =)

5.books not lesson book like at school, but magazine, novel, and some other fun-book. =D

6.karaoke dont know why, but i like to do this. even in bad mood, it will cheer me up. =D
even my voice is average, but i love karaoke. maybe someday i should build a karaoke station.hihi =P

emmm now i tag :
1. selih laalaadoom
2. odrod drey87
3. fikaahchu mindsoultalk
4. rere celotehbodohnyarei
5. upikk vickasaptakartika
6. uniq box of stories


Unknown said...

ada satu lagi, "internet", hmm semoga nanti saya dapat dirikan ISP dh tuk kalian2 yg hobi di didepan koMp ;p

sara said...

hahaha. online berjam2 tmsk dlm hobby kan.hehe =P
smga anda sukses ya.hahaha