Thursday, April 2, 2015


Been longing to write a post but got no time and too busy enjoying life. :p
There's a thought that bring me urge to be back here. I'm getting married in (more or less) two months. Trying to be chill, but I can't. I just can't. lol
Wedding (not marriage, those are two very different things) is a ceremonial symbol of the union of two families. Two families consists of many many may heads, which turn out to be many many many thoughts and requests. Sometimes I get upset, pissed, or defenseless. But I also excited to begin the new chapter of my life our lives. :))

In time like this, I'd like to take myself back, thinking about things I love, remind myself to thank God that I met a man of my life, who's willing to fight just to see my smile (awwww... how sweet is that. And he's literally doing it. I know how lucky I am!). Nothing else more important than this. 


We literally do. I knew he's the one from the first sight. No, I'm kidding. I never knew that he will be this important to me. He was the most nerdy guy in the office, I was a part timer marketing. Long story short, we ended up to work in the same room. But I was still with another guy, and he was still with another girl. 

I fell for his kindness and humility. Never met a guy like this before. He is so unselfish and seems enjoy what he's doing. In one rainy day, I was sick, and he took me home. That's when the chat began. After that day, he took me and my friends to go home once in a while. I sent a thank you message later on, just to showed some manner. He replied. 

Then we talked about many things during the way home. I knew I was hooked. He's a totally an unbelievably good listener. I thought he was perfect. Too perfect to be true. 

He asked where he could find a health sandals for his mom. I told him, he seemed confuse. So I offered to accompanied him. Then we watched MIB 2. He spent the whole movie by making sure whether or not I'm comfortable and trying keep me warm because the theater was too cold.  We never found the sandals by the way, until our first anniversary passed. lol

Didn't blow out the fire at all.  It means he is real human. Which is a good fact because nobody's perfect. And it turned even better, we learned to team up.  I feel like we really meant together.

He supports me about work, life, and everything. He never pushed me to do something I don't like. He convinced me to pursue my dreams. Forgive my mistakes and give me another chance. Never bring up my mistakes when he's angry, always study me, and strengthen me. Brings the light in my darkest night, and a shelter in the storm. Never spoiled me with high rated promises, but willing to do anything to keep me safe and happy. Working hard so we can build our future brightly, and help me with anything he could. Deal with my mood and trying his best to make my day. Accept me for who I am, and still find me adorable. And after all the things he did, it made my wanted to be a better person. Not because he wanted me to, but because I felt he deserved a better me. 

He is the one I wanted to end up with. He is the one I want to share my life with. He is the one I want to grow old with. And he is the one I want whom my kids call as "dad". 

In the end, a wedding is just a wedding. That only lasts one day. The most important point is the one you marry and the life after the wedding. Sooner or later it all will past. But dear, please still love me when I turn into a bridezilla. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A happy song

Ahoy, readers! Are you still there?

Life's so busy yet happier lately. :)
Yup, happier than ever. Literally, life is never been better.

After been in a relationship for months, (have i introduce him to you? i forgot. :p) I feel fully satisfied. Yay! Yes, I've found my perfect match! Finally!

I dont know this is just a butterfly effect or somewhat. I dont care anyway. I feel good. *big grin*
Do you know how it feels like, when there's someone out there who will fight for anything just to see your smile? Someone whom you can trust and lean on, anywhere and anytime. Someone who makes you want to be a better person even he never ask you to. The one who can laugh with you in sorrow and bring sun light in darkness. Makes you feel the most precious thing in the world. Be your favorite partner in crime, and be your favorite pillow as well. :p

Yes, you're right. I'm in love! Never thought it would be this much. :)
Hopefully, this will never change.

For better or worse. *cheers*

Friday, June 29, 2012

Another big step

Heyho Readers,
Sorry for no post in a long long long time. :p
*well, i know maybe no one read my blog anymore. lol*

Anyway, many things to catch up and I don't know where to start.
After been a long journey and fights, me and Antz decided to continue our lives separatedly.
Yes, it's been more than 2 years. It wasn't easy for us. Every one had been struggling a lot.
Until the day I realized there's no more reason to stand still, and after looking for it in months, I was still have no reason to stay. I was in doubt and have no one to hold.
So I asked him, trying to seek any sparks that might be left, but I didn't find anything. Yeah, it was natural, since we had a long term relationship already. I tried to sort some things beetwen us and apparently for him, this was just a small shit. I was too exaggerate.
I didn't blame him. It wasn't his fault. Maybe I was too busy and he was too bored.
I knew we have many differences, we live in different worlds, and we have different point of views.
We thought everything's gonna be fine, as long as we want it to be fine. Yeah, it was a bad idea.
To be honest, he has some positive side which could balancing my clumsiness and somewhat brought me to a higher level of maturity. Even sometimes it became irritating for me, but I knew it was for my own good, so I let him mad at me for some reasons. Hahahaha.
Without any purpose of remembering him, I am telling you, we had a good time. For the good, for the bad. Thanks for being you. I have nothing to regret.
I don't what else to say, but for sure, I guarantee we broke up not by third party. It's pure from me. It's not his fault, we were fail to cooperate, so it was our mistake. Let's don't fall into the same hole.

And again, as I said before, for the laughters and tears we've been through. *cheers* :)

Friday, January 6, 2012

Uang 2 milyar. Buat apa?

Hey people! Sorry for long time no post. 
I've been so busy that almost lack of time to do some posting here. :(
Fortunately I still have some time to do blogging at my another blog . :D

Sebuah berita yang menggelitik saya hari ini: 
"DPR mengajukan dana 2 milyar untuk perbaikan toilet gedung DPR. " 

Seriously, membaca kalimat ini bahkan membuat saya ingin tertawa. 
Saya tidak mengada-ada soal berita ini. Kalian bisa googling, atau silakan buka link ini sebagai salah satu contoh berita di media. 

Bagaimana bisa untuk perbaikan toilet saja menghabiskan uang 2 milyar. Kenapa tidak digunakan untuk perbaikan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia? Indonesia bukan hanya sebatas komplek gedung DPR loh. Masih banyak yang lebih perlu diperhatikan daripada toilet gedung DPR. Bukan tidak boleh memperbaiki toilet, tapi ya kira-kiralah ya. 2 milayr bisa berarti banyak untuk masyarakat. 2 milayr bisa digunakan untuk memberikan pendidikan bagi lebih dari 2ribu anak kurang mampu. Atau bisa juga untuk memberi makan jutaan masyarakat papua. Bisa juga untuk perbaikan bus TransJakarta. Dan masih banyak pilihan hal lain yang menurut saya lebih penting dibandingkan toilet mewah. 

Saya jadi terpikir, jika saya tiba-tiba mendapatkan uang 2 milyar, kira-kira apa saja yang saya lakukan ya? 

1. Ke Paris dan keliling Eropa. 
Estimated Budget : 300 juta sekeluarga.
Alasan: Sejak dulu memang saya sangat suka dengan Paris dan kota-kota di Eropa lainnya. Terkesan romantis dan bersejarah. Terlebih lagi, kehidupan yang berbeda dengan Indonesia, sehingga saya sangat ingin melihat dan merasakan perbedaannya. 

2. Beli dapur dengan alat-alat masak yang lengkap 
Estimated budget: 200 juta
Alasan : Mama saya pintar masak dan membuat kue. Saya juga suka membuat kue. Dapur yg luar dengan alat masak yang lengkap adalah idaman kami. :)

3. Membangun panti asuhan
Estimated Budget: 500 juta
Alasan : Saya sangat suka dengan anak-anak. Di sisi lain, banyak sekali anak terlantar. Banyak juga perdagangan anak dan lain sebagainya. Kalau saya yang buka panti asuhan, saya bisa memastikan mereka tidak jatuh ke tangan orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab. 

4. Membangun bisnis (cafe atau restaurant would be nice)
Estimated Budget : 1 Milyar
Alasan: Buat apa uang banyak kalau tidak diinvestasikan? Since memang saya suka makan, bisnis macam ini sangat cocok untuk saya. Tidak perlu yang besar dan mewah, cukup yang sedang-sedang saja. Untuk tempat, lebih baik jika beli saja, bukan sewa. Sehingga tidak perlu khawatir untuk membayar sewa, dan harga tanah selalu naik. Investasinya jadi dobel kan. :)

Dengan demikian, habislah 2 milyar di tangan saya. Saya cukup puas. Setidaknya, menurut saya, hal-hal di atas lebih bermanfaat dan bermakna daripada untuk sebuah toilet mewah. 


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

quick post!

it's a quick post.
it's been more than 1 month since i mentioned that i work for disdus . i guess it's pretty good to work here. i made new friends, and homey office is really my type. :p
my probation had finished, but i still work as part timer. well, not a big deal. i still have to finish my study.hehe.
Anyway, since today, disdus is officially become a part of groupon. Groupon is the biggest group buying site in the world. Meeeen, i'm so proud. Well, it happened not because of me, but hey, i am part of it! :p
Since the system has been change, now my duty has been changed too. I'm no longer a tele marketing.wohoo! I'm a office marketing now. hahaha. Well, pretty much better for me, i guess. I do research, I do analyze, I do make plan. Wish me a goodluck then.

AH, i go to go. I have assignment to do. :(
See u asap!
Hey, dont forget to check my another blog here . :D

Monday, February 21, 2011


heyho! today i started my college holiday. And it feels like NO HOLIDAY. hahaha
I joined a short semester class for 2 weeks, and started from today, i work at .
well, i still in probation period for 1 month. but just wish me luck.hehe. as my duty is looking for client, so if you have a merchant that wants to be promoted, just let me know please. :)
it's free, u know. so you dont have to pay us. seriously.hihi.

well, my short semester looks a bit better. i got a nice lecture, but the bad thing is i got afternoon class. -____-
eniwei, please pray for me. i join this short semester in order to upgrade my score which, i think, is too bad. so please please please. if i dont get better score, it means it is useless for me to pay 400K IDR, and go to campus in holiday period. :(